post beach direct for dinner (before the attack of mosquitoes). to be honest, it’s only a question of alternating for me now that the sublime comporta beach club and restaurante sal meet in carvalhal. I could switch back and forth between them every day.

now, let's get back to the daylight. daily purchases should be made at the gomes grocery shop, which is evidence that size is irrelevant and that the cheapest rice and the most expensive wine can coexist. however, gomes has expanded and diversified into a variety of intriguing enterprises that take us beyond comporta. as a result, I strongly suggest that you stop by its corner so that you may enjoy an amazing breakfast, get flowers, or purchase some wonderful pies to take home.purchasing fresh fish from dú peixe store is a wonderful option if you are renting a house. you’ll find everything you need, and the quality and pricing are really appealing.

possanco, comporta
lavanda and the rice museum shop are perfect places for a last-minute shopping, but relax, you're on vacation and that's what comporta is for. nonetheless, I will always do my update of international magazines at the stationery and tobacco shop isadora. as far as the incredible offer of places to stay, there are more and more options to choose, I will give you my tip: I would always stay at sublime or quinta da comporta. in reality, each place has a distinct positioning and brought a unique offer to comporta.
li furtado is the founder and creative director of CINCO. born in '82 in alentejo, portugal she graduated in geography from the university of coimbra. after working for 10 years as a consultant, she quit her job to follow her dream and love for fashion. with a creative and restless mind, she is driven by new ideas and her focus is to always have time to enjoy life with her family.